In-Year Admissions


The John Fisher School exists to serve its Catholic community although the Governing Body welcomes all applications, including those from other faiths and of no faith, who support the Catholic ethos of the school.

Candidates on In-Year waiting lists are ranked in accordance with the Policy.

There are waiting lists for every year group in Key Stages 3 and 4 (Years 7 to 11).

An explanation of how to make an In-Year (Mid-Term) application for Years 7 to 11 is below along with information for families who are re-locating to the UK from overseas.

All In-Year applications must be verified by Sutton Local Authority. Information regarding In-Year admissions and the application form to use is located on the Sutton Admissions website.

Sutton Admissions can be contacted on: 020 8770 5000 or

Candidates who have made an application for an In-Year place will be added to the relevant year group waiting list in ranked order.

The Process of Applying for an In-Year place in Years 7 to 11; academic year 2021-2022

The process regarding making an In-Year application for a place in Years 7 to 11 is as follows:

Sutton Local Authority In-Year Secondary Application Form is a Local Authority form which must be completed and submitted directly to Sutton Local Authority by those seeking In-Year admission. This form should not be sent to The John Fisher School. If you require further information regarding the Sutton Local Authority In-Year Secondary Application Form, or a hardcopy of the form, please contact Sutton Admissions directly on 020 8770 5000;

Applications for Sutton schools will not normally be accepted more than four school weeks prior to the intended date of admission. An exception to this will be where places are requested for the beginning of the next academic year in September when applications can be made after the May half term.

- In addition to completing the Sutton Local Authority In-Year Secondary Application form, please also complete the school’s admissions forms ( Supplementary Form  and  a Parish Priest reference/Religious leader form where applicable ) 

Applications outside Chronological Age Group

In general, students should be educated in their normal age group, with the curriculum differentiated as appropriate, and should only be educated out of their normal age group in exceptional circumstances. Occasionally, applicants may seek a place which is outside of the normal age group of the candidate, for example, if the student has experienced problems such as ill health. The view of the Department for Education (DfE) is that adjusting to the UK and language for those arriving from overseas should not be a reason to request delayed admission.

The Governors will make decisions based on the circumstances of each case and in the best interests of the applicant concerned based on the information they have been provided with. This will include taking account of the parents’/carers’ views; information about the candidate’s academic, social and emotional development; where relevant, their medical history and the views of a medical professional; whether they have previously been educated out of their normal age group.

If you have any queries please contact