At The John Fisher School, the wellbeing of our students and staff continues to be one of our whole school priorities. Nationally, the context has changed and we know there are more people suffering from with mental health issues. This has been heavily influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to support all of our school community through training for staff, access to resources for students and parents/carers, as well as working towards our nationally recognised accreditation for outstanding provision.
We provide support to all of our students via:
- Our curriculum teaches students about their emotional health as part of our RSE programme to all year groups. Outside of this discrete lesson, our curriculum centres around our ethos and values which promote the importance of physical and mental health.
- We encourage students to find their own love of learning and support those undertaking public exams. We understand the pressure and anxiety that this can cause so we provide a programme which supports the preparation of our students using outside experts, Learning Performance.
- Pastoral support is fundamental to our school structure. Every student has a dedicated form tutor, Director of Learning and Senior Leader attached to their year group. However, there is a wider support network of staff (22 staff) who are Mental Health First Aid trained.
Who can your son talk to at school?
We can appreciate that some students may find it difficult transitioning back to school. There are a number of people these students can talk to:
Tutor: They will see their form tutor daily and they are ideally placed to deal with any day-to-day concerns.
Director of Learning: Through weekly team meetings, they are able to share resources and events
Inclusion Officer: This resource allows students a personalised programme which can help support them and their families.
Mental Health & Wellbeing team: There are 22 staff across the school fully Mental Health First Aid trained.
Safeguarding team: The team of 8 support all staff in the safeguarding of every member of our school community.
Teachers: Often the first port of call for students, our staff are trained to listen and support all of our students with any concerns they have.
Senior Leadership Team: Every year group has a senior leader attached who can help support any issues which have gone beyond the form tutor or Director of Learning.
Parents/carers should email their Key Stage Administrator if they would like to make an appointment with any of the staff members above.
If you have any queries or questions, you can contact a member of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Team at mhwb@johnfisherschool.org
This team consists of Mr Dean [Assistant Headteacher], Mrs Davis and Miss Fowler [Mental Health and Wellbeing co-ordinators]
Other in school support:
Kooth App: We are about to roll out the Kooth App to students to support their confidential and anonymous access to support via the App.
The Talk Easy Trust Sixth Form mentors: Set up in 2014, our student led service offers lower school students a sixth form mentor to help support their mental health and wellbeing.
Termly wellbeing survey: Student and parent/carer feedback is vital for us to maintain our ongoing provision. Our termly surveys help us identify concerns and evaluate the provision we offer.
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA): Trained staff help support our students
Student and staff wellbeing blogs: These offer resources, articles and useful tips in managing wellbeing.
Child Wellbeing Practitioner (CWP): We are extremely lucky to have been allocated a Child Wellbeing Practitioner (CWP). We have had our CWP working with us for the summer term and have been fortunate in being able to secure a CWP for the Autumn term as well.
External Support
If you feel you need additional support, then these external agencies may be able to help:
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS): https://www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/nhs-services/mental-health-services/children-and-young-peoples-mental-health-services-cypmhs/
Targeted Youth Support (TYS): https://www.sutton.gov.uk/directory_record/87669/sutton_youth_service/category/232/secondary_-_age_11_to_16
Turnaround Project: https://www.nicva.org/organisation/the-turnaround-project
Off The Record: https://www.talkofftherecord.org/
Young Croydon Emotion Wellbeing and Mental Health Support during COVID-19