The school has a long tradition of working with a wide range of local, national and global charities. Throughout the year, the school has many events that help raise money for a variety of causes. Below are just some of the more recent ways in which John Fisher works with charities:
Mufti Days - We raised over £1,500 on our recent mufti day which will be shared between Young Minds and LinktoHope shoe box appeal. Each year we raise around £5,000 from mufti days which goes towards support a range of local and national charities. These include: The South East Cancer Centre (Purley) and The Lilly Pad Appeal (Croydon University Hospital) as well as Movember, Catholic Children’s Society Lenten Appeal and Macmillan Cancer Care.
The Great Fisher Bake Off! - This year, we held our first virtual bake off. Normally, we are able to share and sample the entries but due to COVID-19 we asked guest judge, Jane Beedle (GBBO finalist 2012) to judge the quality, presentation and link to the theme; ‘Rainbow’. We raised over £200 for ‘The Tree of Hope’ charity in Tunbridge Wells and had a lot of fun in the process.
The Three Peaks Challenge -This expedition helped raise £5,500 for The Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation. This student led fundraiser showed the true spirit of JFS students as they helped raise money for this wonderful charity, helping to fund the production of a very special drama production which now tours schools all over the UK helping educate students about drugs.
The John Fisher School also supports a range of charities including the Poppy Appeal, Teenage Cancer Trust, Lepra and St. Catherine’s Hospice. The school is rightly proud of its work with local special schools through the Para-Ability Challenge and Panathlon Games. Pupils are involved in fundraising for national charities such as WaterAid, Blind Veterans UK and our partnership work with Koning School in South Africa (£3546 was the school’s most recent contribution). We have also supported with humanitarian disasters in East Africa and Syria.