
Results Summer 2024

A Level/BTEC Results Press Release 2024


Timetables for internal and external examinations are published here as soon as they are confirmed.

Year 11 PPE Timetable

GCSE Autumn 2024 Timetable

KS4 GCSE and L2 BTEC Exam Information

KS5 A level and L3 BTEC Exam Information


Information for Candidates

The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) issue the rules and regulations for examination candidates on a yearly basis.  These regulations include the rules that examination candidates need to follow with respect to written examinations, examinations taken on a computer (on-screen tests), and non-examination assessments such as practical work and coursework.

In addition there is guidance on discussing or posting information about examinations on social media and a privacy notice.  This privacy notice sets out how exam boards use the data they collect from candidates.

It is important that students familiarise themselves with these regulations, as failure to follow the rules in any assessment could constitued malpractice.  The consequences for malpractice are decided by the exam boards, but could include disqualificaiton from the exam, qualification or the entire exam season.  The regulations issued for the current season are available to download at the link below:

JCQ Information for Candidates


Other Useful Documents

JCQ Preparing to sit your exams

JCQ Suspected malpractice policies and procedures



Exam Certificates are available approximately 2 months after you have collected your results. Information about how to collect your certificates will be sent to your Parent/Carer by email.

If you have not collected your exam certificates from previous years, please contact our Exams Officer at to arrange collection.



If you have any questions or queries for the Examinations Team, please email:

Mr Pigott, Examinations Officer at 


If you are a former student enquiring about replacement examination certificates, please see the guidance issued here.