School Council

The student council is a student body made up of representatives from each form in every year group. Meeting every half term, the council discuss ideas raised by the form groups, making suggestions on school improvement and areas they feel the school needs to address. The student council have helped shape the school's behaviour and rewards policy and give their views on various issues across the school.

Below are the members of the council for each form group:

Year 7
Sixth Form Prefects: Tom R & Cameron W
Bede Archie C
Challoner Mark I
Fisher Leeroy M
Becket Jashaul R
More Joe A
Newman Nigel S
Teresa Finlay M
Year 8
Sixth Form Prefect: Alex S
Bede Harry Y
Challoner Rhys J
Fisher Sean D
Becket Brandon S
More Michael B
Newman Christi A
Year 9
Sixth Form Prefect: Tommy L
Bede Lucas P
Challoner Tosin O
Fisher Connor C
Becket Martin T
More Bradley R
Newman Ike F
Year 10
Sixth Form Prefect: jack R
Bede Rhys T
Challoner Michael M
Fisher Angus M
Becket Ethan B
More Kevin A
Newman Daniel S
Year 11
Sixth Form Prefect: Joe R
Bede Harry W
Challoner Kieran E
Fisher Josh W
Becket Seb W
More Fifi A
Newman Gianluca E